Find Independent M. Chekhov Trainings  for Actors & Creatives.


Chekhov Global  is an independent project  to 

1) build a collective access point for theatre people to find trainings offered by independent studios and initiatives working with Michael Chekhov Technique around the world.  

2) support and connect the independent studio/teaching community. 

The Calendar and Directory aim to give a central place to see global activity. 


Chekhov Global is monitoring who the listed studio's are, but we cannot vouch on quality of the their trainings or the experience in the classrooms. We ask and trust that each studio is listing trainings that would interest someone looking for training in Michael Chekhov Technique. Each of these studio's develop their own way of working with this technique. This is inherent in Chekhov's request of his students to take the technique into their own hands. This means that each listing reflects the creative individuality of each independent teacher and not Chekhov Global. 

Michael Chekhov,  1921

Chekhov Global aims to connect actors/creatives more easily to a wide variety of  studios around the globe. 

We ask you to look through the listings and find something that seems a good fit for YOU.  We hope you try a few to help find also a teacher that interests you. 

How to be a Participating Studio.


Contact to get more information on the project